Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Create Your Own Greeting Cards 2

By: Evan Michael

GreetingCard improvements that could make my day include the possibility to add your own projects to the templates collection, and a blank card that allows you to set the background and add clipart without taking the time to clear the area.

Lastly, I should mention an issue that’s not major but certainly a bit annoying: after each export (when you save the card as an image), you are notified that the process was successful and, at the same time, asked if you want to go to the output folder.

That is thoughtful, of course, but I think that it would be better if you had the chance to deactivate the prompting and be announced, instead, by a Growl notification, for example, about the success of the operation.

The Good

Simple, organized and featuring beautiful, high quality templates and clipart, iGreetingCard allows you to create personalized cards perfect for any occasion. The fact that you can make your own will cut down on the time spent on e-cards websites trying to find the one that expresses exactly what you mean.

The Bad

iGreetingCard does not give you the possibility to change the background of your e-cards and, as such, you will never be able to create a completely unique design. Templates are great and prove to be extremely useful if you are in a hurry, but I would love to have the possibility to customize absolutely everything.

On a side note, iGreetingCard lacks attention for details: the Valentine Day’s category seems to be missing template number 4, and you can remove items by pressing Return but not the Delete key (I believe that is customary to use both in such cases). Furthermore, the keyboard cannot be used at all when deleting text items, since the selection automatically enables the editor.

Once you have added an image to a frame, the two become inseparable, and iGreetingCard does not take into account that you might want to delete just the image (to replace the photo simply drag and drop a new one on top), or change the frame.

The Truth

iGreetingCard is a nice application based on an interesting concept, although there are still issues to be improved. With enough patience, you can find solutions for most problems, while the included designs are truly amazing.

A half time Blogger with techno and gadget enthusiast. You can visit for more techno readings.
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